Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hi friends,
Okay so earlier this week I saw Bolt and I have plenty to say!!!!!!!!!!!!! So it stars Miley Cyrus (you'll live) & John Travolta. It is 96 minutes long. Oh my god why can't these film studios make films round to the nearest ten. Anyways it is an animated film that is remarkably similar to the Truman Show but much happier. It is filled with a shoot-load of hidden adult humor and plenty of humor for the little kids to enjoy. For once Miley Cyrus was a likable character who you don't want to man-slaughter. Okay that was a little much! But you fall in love with all the characters. I understand that some of you have a little too much pride to walk into a Disney movie about a dog and a hamster but if you have kids, great Thanksgiving activity. 

So the next movie I saw was Twilight. It stars Robert Pattison & Kristen Stewart. It is exactly 120 minutes long! THANK YOU TWILIGHT! YOU SHOULD SEE THE MOVIE FOR THIS REASON ALONE. Anyways, I loved it. The acting is very impressive especially for a bunch of 17 year olds. It has a lot of passion and devotion which I love. Sometimes I like a movie with a little depth. Anyways if you have a daughter between the ages of 11 and 111 they will most likely be clawing their way into the movies and by the end they will join the 17 million people dreaming about Edward Cullen.

Until Next time,

Friday, November 21, 2008

James Bond 22

Okay, so its obvious what I saw just by the title. If you have seen it, read this anyways and tell me if you agree. If you haven't here's the review. Okay so it basically has 2 main actors; the biggest part is Daniel Craig's body double. The other main actor is Daniel Craig. It is 105 minutes. Again, if the opening credits were approximately 3 minutes shorter, it would be exactly 100 minutes. These movie companies should really think about me for once. Back to the review. The plot is... well... unexisting. Honestly, I think a 2 year old could have written that script. I mean it might have been difficult to write down about 20 lines and had to divide them between Daniel Craig and (Dame) Judi Dench. Now I love insulting movies but the visual/technical side of the movie was pretty impressive. The action was very well done and just fun to watch. Anyways if you just want to see a movie, it's okay! It is actually almost good. ALMOST. I mean after 21 movies it's pretty damn (it's not that bad of a word) impressive to make it not old. They did what The Simpsons & SNL (until this election season) couldn't. If you want to see a movie at Thanksgiving, I really wouldn't suggest it unless there is really nothing else. I hope everyone has a happy Turkey day and I'm thankful that you all follow this blog. Starting today I am having a formal competition. I need a pen name! I'm getting bored of saying Erik! Give me something better. Anyways comment on the blog and give me suggestions and the winner will be recognized within the first sentence of my next blog. 
Happy Thanksgiving,
Erik (pen name)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

I hope everyone is enjoying their weeks. Can you believe that in just 1 week is Thanksgiving? Man has this year gone by fast! WOW!!! Anyways let's get to the reviewing. Today I saw Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. It stars the voices of Sacha Baron Cohen, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, Jada Pickett Smith, & David Schwimmer. It is 89 minutes long. Yes I know that's annoying, if it had just one more minute it would be an even hour and a half. Sorry, I have very slight O.C.D. Back to the review, it had a mixture of genres into one. It has drama (based on Lion King) provided by Ben Stiller and the voices that portray his parents and uncle. It has romance provided by David Schwimmer & Jada Pickett Smith. Most importantly, it had some great comic relief that was given by no other than Sacha Baron Cohen (who is the person who thought up and portrays Borat). Anyways it is a great film for all families. It has humor that your kids will get but they put in some adult humor for you to enjoy. Actually, I would suggest it even if you do not have children. Even within the first 20 minutes one of the greatest movie lines is thought up of. Anyways go see it if you have the time. It will most likely get the Oscar nomination for Animated Film and would probualy win but I don't think it has a chance with Wall-E. Hopefully see you soon! Have a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving and if there are any movies I should see be sure to tell me and before you know it, they will be on the blog. Also, these movies DON'T have to be new. I will also give reviews on DVDs!

Madagascar B.O. Report:
#1 with $63,106,589 

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome to November

This is technically my first non-review blog. At the start of every month I will have a non-review blog just talking about what to expect in the upcoming month! Here are the movies I've taken an interest to:
  • Bolt
  • Twilight
  • 4 Christmases 

I hope you enjoy the month. I know the 4th was dissapointing with the election but we'll have to bust through it. I understand everyone is in a state of agony w/ Obama's victory! Until Next Time,
Erik (Your personal movie reviewer)