Saturday, February 21, 2009


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Hi blogees,
first of all, I have a big concern. I posted that Oscar blog expecting there to be a crap load of comments but none? Tell me what you think!!!!!! Do you agree? Disagree?? TELL ME! Don't email me your thoughts unless its something personal. COMMENT!!!!!! It's not too hard. Just press the button that says comments...fill in the comment box and fill in the name box. Please tell me thoughts on the comment box. Please

I'm done pleading so I'll get to the first review I'm sure you noticed that the title of this blog is F.U. I'm not being mean. The movie's name is Fired Up! The catchline is F.U. Get it? So honestly, one of the funniest movies of 2009. I know that we are basically in March but still. I highly doubt this will be a box office hit because when I saw it there were 6 people in the theatre. Me & my friend, two friends, and 2 random individuals. Now this is strange, I saw a movie about cheerleading and everyone in the theatre was male? This film was about 2 guys going to cheer camp to hook up with girls but during camp, one falls in love. Anyways, if you are someone who likes movies like the ones nominated for Oscars, don't see this. But if you like movies in the style of American Pie, see this. In fact, the humor is like hand & hand with American Pie but this is PG-13.

Confessions of a Shopaholic was a movie that I have mixed feelings about. When you think about it, who makes a kids movie about the economy. I mean, I guess it's not a kids movie but it is PG. This movie is one of those "everything" movies. It is funny and sad. I'd say 45% of the film is dramatic and the other 55% is funny. This movie is very drawn out and dragged. I mean it's nothing compared to Marley & Me but it does feel long. Would I suggest it? Depends on the gender. I did feel slightly left out being nearly the only male in the theatre. It is definitely a chick-flick. So, don't take your football buddies to this one. Even though you'd like it, I'd keep your pride.

Once again, COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until next  blog, 
Erik :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Academy Award Picks

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Hi Friends,
As you know the Academy Awards are this Sunday and due to the public demand. I am posting my picks tonight. This is perhaps the most important blog I'll write until the 82nd Academy Awards but we'll just focus on the 81st for tonight. Now I am offering something that no other prediction website has. EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY!!!! Not just the big boys, EVERYTHING! Let us start. We'll start with the who gives a crap awards and move up to the thank god I won awards.

Visual Effects: The Dark Knight
Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight
Sound Editing: The Dark Knight (it was just that good)
Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Film Editing: The Dark Knight (I missed you Dark Knight)
Costume Design: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I picked that more than these 2 movies would win)
Cinematography: (Guess Who) The Dark Knight
You'll never guess but Art Direction: The Dark Knight.
Song: O Saya from Slumdog Millionaire
Score: Slumdog Millionaire 
Documentary Short: The Final Inch
Documentary Feature: Man on Wire
Foreign Language: Waltz with Bashir
Short Film (Live Action): The Pig
Short Film (Animated): Oktapodi
Animated Film: Wall-E
Original Screenplay: Wall-E
Adapted Screenplay: Slumdog Millionaire 

Okay, here's the big guys. Those were the who really cares awards. Here's the big deal
Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz' from Vicky Christina Barcelona
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger from The Dark Knight
Best Actress: Kate Winslet from The Reader
Best Actor: Sean Penn from Milk
Directing: Slumdog Millionaire it is! The winner of best picture is...

We'll see how I do this year. Last year I batted an 84.687%

Remeber to watch this sunday 8:30 eastern and 5:30 in California and 7:30 in Chicago

Last year there was a 12% home viewing and we need an improvement. That was the lowest record in Academy Award History. Please, Please Watch. I know that they chose the worst host possible but we'll deal with Hugh Grant. Until next movie,

Monday, February 16, 2009


So a couple days ago I saw a movie called Coraline. Now I know this movie is rated PG but surprising it's a horror movie. I absolutely loved it!!! It was done with a technology called stop-motion which is that every single move is a picture and that's pretty darn impressive for an 100 minute movie. Also, who doesn't love a movie that's exactly 100 minutes. That's an accomplishment of it's own. It would be nominated for a 2010 Oscar but since it came out in Febuary, no chance. It is the first animated movie that scared the crap out of me. I'll admit it. It did. Back to praising it, the ATL paper gave it an A! AN A! That paper never gives movies A's. 88% of the critics liked this movie. That's almost unpresidented for an animated horror. Friday the 13th came out lately and only 29% of the critics liked it and it's the same genre. It truly was a great movie and I would highly suggest it to anyone in 4th grade or above.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hamlet II

This blog disscussed slightly controversial topics but be forewarned that I am in no way making fun of or insulting anyone or any messiah.

Before I really get into things...look above this post. Above the disclaimer. I'm sure you noticed that it's a new counter. You know, it's 2009, this blog will be at 200 hits before my next post and I think my blog just had to be...well...edgier. So back to the blog. Today I saw the feature film Hamlet II. Now I'm sure you might (unless you've heard of this movie) be thinking "They mad another Hamlet. Jeez. Isn't Shakespeare dead???". It is about a guy who works at a school and they are shutting the drama club down and he has to do a fantastic play to keep it alive. Well he does maybe the most controversial thing since Borat. You know, Kazakstan doesn't exist it's based off a country of Kazakhstan. Notice a difference?? We talked about this in Social Studies this morning. At least I'm getting off topic in an educational way. So I do have strong feelings about this film. It was actually ridiculously funny. Steve Coogan had a fantastic performance. A little seriousness, this film is rated R. There is no nudity but a decent amount of innuendo and a little violence but nothing too terrible. Oh, and there is also a lot of controversial topics including Jesus. Kinda like a funny Passion of the Christ. And don't say that no one saw that because it made 370,782,930 dollars and was the 12th most successful film in America. But this film might be at the top of the funniest movies I've ever seen and I'm slightly surprised that the main song didn't get nominated for an Oscar. I guess the Academy doesn't want to be too risky with their nominations/winners. Remember Brokeback Mountain, shoe in to win. Did it?? No! I don't know if this is why but that was a hugely controversial film. Anyways, go get this movie it is worth it. Is it great for a 5 year old? No! But I think if you have a kid in like 5th grade or older it will be fine. See you later! 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Pink Panther 2

Good day fellow humans,
So the most recent film I saw was The Pink Panter 2. So this film I feel had huge shoes to fill because the first film was so funny and the originals everybody loved. So did it live up. ABSOLUTELY.......NOT!!!! This film had the occasional funny moment but not too funny. It is give or take 1 hour and 30 minutes and stars Steve Martin & Andy Garcia. So should you see it??? Well this one is a toss up! If you liked things like Police Academy & Rat Race or movies like that, you'll definetlely like it. But if you're someone who goes into a movie like Titanic and comes out of the theatre and says, "I liked it, but it was just too light for me" then you won't like it. This movie's plot is rather light and predictable. It's pretty weak actually. Now there is one scene that was very hilarious and I had trouble breathing it was so funny. So there is funny parts. I thought it was good. Remember that review on the Outsiders back in October?? This movie is good, not great, not bad, just good. B- or C+. I can say that I do have more compliments for it though. One thing I hate in movies are when scenes drag and in this movie nothing drags. In Marley & Me the death of Marley, sorry if I ruined it but you can see it coming, was very drawn out and you wanted just to go up to Owen Wilson & say just shut up you wedding crasher with an unfortunate looking nose. Look at his nose and you'll see how bad it is. This movie was very quick and every minute a new event would happen, not a 35 minute death scene. So here's the final consensus, if you like stupid movies, this is one of the stupidest. If you are one of the deep people, get as far away as you can. I mean don't even go to a theatre where it's at. Go to the theatre near that Pancake House. They always have deep movies. Oh, and before I go; Slumdog will win the ultimate title at the Oscars. I promise you. Sean Penn will be best actor, Kate Winslet will finally take home an Oscar,  Wall-E will just be Happ-E, & Heath will be looking down at his victory. If you haven't seen Dark Knight, go get it on Itunes or on DVD, or on demand. Ledger's performance is maybe the best performance ever in a film. He would've won dead or alive. So in the words of that Looney Tunes Pig, "That's All Folks"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Swing Vote


Before I start blogging, look at that number above this post. We are so close to 100. As you are reading this, the number is bigger than the one I'm looking at but for me it's 79. 21 away from 100. Tell your friends. 21 people. PLEASE!!!!!! I know I've had alot more people read this blog than 79 but it took me awhile to find the counter. Also, I decided that today I'll be using very good vocabulary. I'm sure you'll concur. 

So today I was at home sick and my mother went to our local grocer and they sell Digital Video Discs there and she purchased Swing Vote. When we inserted the D.V.D. into our Panosonic 
D.V.D. player it was just like being at the cinema. We had the popped corn & everything. So this major motion pictured starred Kevin Costner & the plotline was a simple but conglomerate. It was about a delinquent man whose daughter had one wish and that was for him to vote at the election. So he gets laid off at his occupation and he hangs out at the bar and forgets to vote. So his daughter, in a quite mischievous way, votes for him. While she is casting her vote, the custodian trips and unplugs the poll machinery. So that means that her dad's vote doesn't count. So this was basically the closest election in history. There was a one electorial vote between the two counties, so it fell to New Mexico. Then it fell to his county, then his voting poll. Because his vote was not accounted for, this makes him to swing vote. This man's one vote, will decide the future of the United States of America. So the candidates and their atrocious publicists come to the county to try to sway him to have him vote for him. So the protagonist takes advantage of this and gets a lot of promises but he realizes, with the help of his intelligent daughter, he realizes that really whatever he wants, the candidates will get. So his daughter decides that there should be a debate and from there he makes a descison. Who does he choose?? Nathan Lane or Stanley Tucci? Kelsey Grammar or Dennis Hopper. Hopper & Lane for Democrat; Tucci & Grammar for Republican. The big shock is who he chooses and then it leaves it to you to decide who he chose as the man who will get this most scared oath. I'll tell you that this election was more historical than the election of President Barack Hussein Obama.  

So after that definitive plot catch-up; here's my hypothesis. This movie is both humorous and dramatic and has a very good balance. The real show stopper is the astonishing performance by Madeline Carrol who plays Costner's daughter. She is a fantastic actress. According to, only 35% of the critics liked this film but the world doesn't revolve around critics. 56% of the american public liked this movie. I know that a good 44% didn't like it but I'm posting my vote now that I like it. So may I make a suggestion, within the next 15 days everyone will have cable or NO TV! So get this film on demand. It is a great idea. I'm also quite sure that it will be on a premium channel like Showtime or something. It is simply a one timer movie. But it is a fun one time. It might get so much Erik praise because it's political but it's up to you. Email me with your very own take. You never know when I will quote you in a blog. It's happened before. In fact, I'll quote one now. "I Barack Hussein Obama solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will do the best of my ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States."~Barack H. Obama-January 20th, 2009. Two weeks in, nothing's happened. Give it time Benjamin. Give it time.   

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bedtime Stories

Paul Blart: Mall Cop


Good Day!!! HAPPY FEBRUARY!! That month is like impossible to spell. You know that I've been alive for 13 years and I still do not know how to spell that month. I honestly think that we should just change the name of the month to like Erikary or something. So like 2 weeks ago I saw a movie called Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Remember the last blog when I said I had slight (or major) ADD. Well I kinda forgot to post. So this movie Well put it like this, only 27% of the critics liked this movie. Honest to g/d, I thought it might have been one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. I mean what can you honestly expect from a movie with the words Mall & Cop in the. My expectations were rather low but I have never seen a movie like this before. It stars Kevin James but that name isn't too familiar so he's the guy from The King of Queens & Chuck & Larry. Not Adam Sandler, but the other guy who pretended to be gay. The basic plot line of this movie is a guy who's a mall cop, falls in love with a vendor, people take over the mall, he saves the mall. THAT'S IT!!!! So please, please, please, don' t waste your money. Now I was doing some research and the critics didn't eat it up as much as I am. It is a little lest than 90 minutes but it feels like a little less than 90 days. I know this is the most harsh review I've EVER given but it kinda deserved it. But if you are in the mood to go to the megaplex (don't I have advanced vocab!!) see a quality movie like Slumdog, Gran Torino, or Frost/Nixon or something along those lines!!!! See you next time with a more than likely nicer review.