Friday, February 13, 2009

Hamlet II

This blog disscussed slightly controversial topics but be forewarned that I am in no way making fun of or insulting anyone or any messiah.

Before I really get into things...look above this post. Above the disclaimer. I'm sure you noticed that it's a new counter. You know, it's 2009, this blog will be at 200 hits before my next post and I think my blog just had to be...well...edgier. So back to the blog. Today I saw the feature film Hamlet II. Now I'm sure you might (unless you've heard of this movie) be thinking "They mad another Hamlet. Jeez. Isn't Shakespeare dead???". It is about a guy who works at a school and they are shutting the drama club down and he has to do a fantastic play to keep it alive. Well he does maybe the most controversial thing since Borat. You know, Kazakstan doesn't exist it's based off a country of Kazakhstan. Notice a difference?? We talked about this in Social Studies this morning. At least I'm getting off topic in an educational way. So I do have strong feelings about this film. It was actually ridiculously funny. Steve Coogan had a fantastic performance. A little seriousness, this film is rated R. There is no nudity but a decent amount of innuendo and a little violence but nothing too terrible. Oh, and there is also a lot of controversial topics including Jesus. Kinda like a funny Passion of the Christ. And don't say that no one saw that because it made 370,782,930 dollars and was the 12th most successful film in America. But this film might be at the top of the funniest movies I've ever seen and I'm slightly surprised that the main song didn't get nominated for an Oscar. I guess the Academy doesn't want to be too risky with their nominations/winners. Remember Brokeback Mountain, shoe in to win. Did it?? No! I don't know if this is why but that was a hugely controversial film. Anyways, go get this movie it is worth it. Is it great for a 5 year old? No! But I think if you have a kid in like 5th grade or older it will be fine. See you later! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You get an A for vocabulary and sentence structure. While I have not seen most of the movies on your blog, I read them all. I must say, you are doing an excellent job. Keep us posted on the number of hits.

Aunt Ellen